How to serve a PERFECT metodo classico Glass

How to serve

a PERFECT metodo classico Glass

ZALTO CHAMPAGNE FLUTE Gives the sparkling wines
of the world a noblesse, while bringing out their best of
their regional character. Especially for: Champagne, Sparkling Wines,
Prosecco, Spumante and Cava.

Serve with assorted nuts and BERRIES!

A Tip?
Serve the berries frozen and dusted with
powdered sugar. How?
Line a cookie sheet
with parchment paper.
Place berries and cherries evenly.
Put the cookie sheet in the freezer. Remove after about 30 minutes.
Dust with powdered sugar.




40 gr of honey
60 gr of whipping cream
30 gr of butter
120 gr of sugar
50 gr of flour
120 gr of sliced toasted almonds


1) Melt the sugar in a saucepan with the cream, honey and butter. Remove from the heat. Add the flour and mix well. Add the lightly toasted almonds.
2) Pour everything on a lightly greased sheet of baking paper (during cooking the mixture will spread until it reaches the edges of the pan).
3) Bake in the oven pre-heated to 180 ° until it has a golden color, it will take about 10 minutes but be careful not to get distracted, the transition from golden to burned is very fast! (when you put it in the oven it will still be white then it will bubble up to become dark). Remove from the oven, leave it on a rack for a minute, touch the edges and when they are still soft and no longer liquid is ready for the next step.
4) To give the rolled shape I cover a half used paper towel roll with gling film then cover it with a sheet of baking paper and on top of this I roll the Croccante with its baking paper so it looks like a giant cannolo (like a spring roll…).
5) Let it cool well, and harden before removing it from these wrappers which will come off very easily.
6) Serve with Vanilla ice cream on the side and fresh berries.